Tagging blogs: Are we missing something?

Everybody is blogging! We get thousands of posts everyday and a wide range of topics and related information. I must admit that I can’t even read all the information which I receive on “Technology” tag per day. There is so much to share and so much to read. I came across Technorati page this morning

Technorati Snapshot

The tag “Foto” is in the popular list. What does that mean? I believe this word belongs to a non-English language. I found it very strange to see that tag. To help other people, there is other way, we can tag with “Photo” and “Foto” so the tagging is bilingual and other people also can find that very easily.

Tagging is the only way which make us reachable to post. We should tag nicely. Who would like to give me some guidelines of tagging your posts? Please share your comments.

Published December 22 2006

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